Computers are such a commonplace aspect of our lives that most technology no longer surprises or impresses us. We take for granted that when we take a seat at our computer table, the “On” button will awaken the monitor, and after a password entry and just a few clicks we will access what we need from the Internet.
Unlike in the Internet’s dark ages when Mosaic was the top web browser, we expect to see our page come up in a couple of seconds. In 1995, you could take a nap in the time it took to for your computer to load a web page…or maybe even write snail mail and send it to its destination.
Today’s Internet is no longer a static world. Web 2.0 is alive with real-time information. RSS feeds come almost up to the minute, and social media site posts update right before our eyes. As a nation of entertainment junkies, we are particularly critical of our network’s ability to deliver the streams of our favorite shows, live sporting events, which sets a high standard for a network. We want to be able to stream our favorite shows and be able to catch live events as close to real time as possible, as smoothly as possible.
Whether you use your computer as a workstation, shopping hub or an entertainment center, we know you want your pages to load. Now.
Our solution to you? A low-latency, no-nonsense Internet connection!
No more pinwheel, hourglass, tracing circle or whatever annoying little icon appears on your monitor when the network is stuck! High latency is no longer the norm because we have an alternative.
There are several factors that contribute to network latency; mind you, some of your delay could be happening due to poorly built web pages or ones that are routed to make too many hops from the source to your computer.
Over-utilized links can be very slow to respond as well. For example, when a topic is trending, several people can be requesting the information from a particular link at once, causing latency in the time it takes the information to arrive in the designated port.
Routers could be holding up your information’s travels as well as switches and bridges that it has to journey across to get to you. If you are one of the poor souls with DSL or cable on top of the other challenges, your connection performance will depend on your physical distance from your Internet Service Provider’s hub or on the volume of Internet traffic in your neighborhood.
For all of these reasons, we at Bluespan do our part on our end to minimize latency as a result on your end. We combat network latency with the fixed wireless network design and guarantee your bandwidth while we’re at it. We know that with better, faster connectivity, you can enjoy your browsing and viewing experiences and have fewer hassles and trials on your patience! Besides, it’s just one part of great customer service!